Monday, December 04, 2006

The Brahma Temple: Pushkar

The only one in the world I heard, is as mesmerizing as the lake.

The stairs that lead to the Temple

The portal through which you enter the Temple Premises

The Temple Premises

The Main Temple

The main temple, as you can see in the snaps is, at a height.

It sort of stands still and lets you explore it with no body disturbing you.

The Main Deity

The Main Temple is open three side with a traditional roof over the area where the deity is seen blessing the devotees. They allow photography everywhere. There is a temple of lord Shiva in the Paataal here.

The Pataal Shiv Temple

The surrounding village is also worth exploring. Localities here are polite and co-operating. Very simple and traditional you would see most of the road side dhabas here featuring a lady clad traditionally preparing the Chapattis. Food is good. Apply some common sense and be observant to avoid food poisoning though.

A Road Side Dhaabaa Where Ate

(you can see a lady preparing chapaatis in the back)

To conclude this post I would say keep your cameras ready when you are there.

You should visit the temple if you are:
  • An artists, writers etc, to seek blessings from Godess Saraswati the consort of lord Brahma.
  • Or Couples - To be blessed with children.

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